Monday, March 5, 2012

Rhythms and rationale? Anyone?

Sinus Arrythmia
 Can anyone identify why this is a sinus arrythmia?  How do you count the ways?
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Sinus bradycardia

How is this normal sinus rhythm different from sinus brady and sinus arrythmia?

What makes this rhythm sinus bradycardia?

Can anyone identify the rate of each rhythm? 
How do we determine the rhythm?
How do we count?

For those of you who can answer these questions, please feel free to leave your answers on the blog and we can discuss them next time. 


  1. Pam,
    Wow, what a great blog. Even I (as a psych nurse) can identify some of the arrythmias. I love the flashing graphic to the right side of your blog. How did you create that? I would like to use something similar in my blog.


  2. summemm,

    Found it on an interactive graphics site. Thanks for the kind words. Hope this blog will help others or at least be a reference for someone who wants to learn EKGS.
