Sunday, March 4, 2012

Review and What's Ahead

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let's take a moment and review.
EKGs can tell us a lot about a patient.  An EKG should be done on every patient that complains of chest.  Knowing how to interpret them may save someone's life.  For every P wave there should be a QRS followed by a T wave.  Knowing what the PR interval, ST segment and QT interval are can tell us whether the rhythm is normal, there is injury or ischemia, or if there may be  medication affecting the rhythm. 

Tomorrow we will begin to look at normal sinus rhythms, sinus brady, and what asystole and look at some atrial  arrhythmias.  Please feel free to review the videos to stay up on what we have just learned.  Any questions, feel free to ask Marna.

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